The Behavior Model Trail
One of the most important goals any intelligent agent has is to decide which action to take next (Franklin, 1995). An action selection mechanism capable of both deliberative and reactive action selection called “behavior network” has been studied by Faghihi and Franklin (2012) and Dorer (2010), both based on the original work by Maes (1989). In this trail, we will study the implementation of a Behavior Network modified by Klaus masther’s thesis. This behavior network is able to make a decision on which behavior is more relevant at a given situation. This is the deliberative decision-making architecture:
To define a Behavior network, we must define for each possible behavior, its preconditions list, add list and delete list. Here is an simple example:
It is also important to keep in mind that in the original MASM a behavior can only become executable if, and only if, all of its preconditions are observed to be true at a time t. Also, there can be only one behavior active at any given time t. Given the aforementioned definition, behavior modules are, therefore, linked in a network through three types of links: successor links, predecessor links, and conflicter links. So, the behavior network can be represented as the list of goals, the list of world states and all the behaviors linked as susessors, predecessor and conflicters link, as we can observe in the figure:
To allow the behavior to be selected even if it hasn´t all the preconditions, Klaus modifications consists in adding a list of "soft-preconditions". The new term si, stands for a list of soft-preconditions. These soft-preconditions affect the flow of energy in the network the same way the original preconditions do, but do not block the behavior from being executed in case those conditions are not observed. In the example used, adding the soft preconditions we get:
Important definitions:
- Delete List:
- Add List:
- Preconditions List:
- Soft-Preconditions List:
- Worls State List:
- Goals List:
- Successors: Aqueles que tem na soft or not preconditions list, algo que tem na addlist do comportamento
- Predecessors: Aqueles que tem na add list, algo que tem na soft or not preconditions list do comportamento
- Conflicters: Aqueles que tem na soft or not preconditions, algo que tem na delete list do comportamento
Implementation of Behavior Network
For each behavior you must creat a class that extends the class Behavior. Here is an example of implementation of Eat Competence:
public class EatCompetence extends Behavior {
public EatCompetence(WorkingStorage ws,GlobalVariables globalVariables) {
super(ws, globalVariables);
public void operation() {
If this behavior is selected by Behavior Network’s BehaviorsWTA (Winner Takes All strategy) then its method operation() will be executed.
Implementation on Agent Mind
Define Working Storage (can be set as null if not used) and GlobalVaribles:
//Define working storage and global variables for competences
WorkingStorage ws = null;
GlobalVariables gv = new GlobalVariables();
Initialize behavior
Behavior eatCompetence = new EatCompetence(ws, gv);
Behavior forageFoodCompetence = new ForageFoodCompetence(ws, gv);
Behavior exploreCompetence = new ExploreCompetence(ws, gv);
Define Add List, Delete List, Preconditions List and Soft-Preconditions List:
This lists are compesed by an ArrayList of Memory. The Memories in this example are Memory Objects defined by a name and an Info. We decided to define the Info as Strings to be similar to our example in the table. And the names are "WORLD_STATE" so they can be compared to the World State informations.
String stateHungry = "hungry";
String stateNotHungry = "NOT_hungry";
String stateFoundFood = "foundFood";
String stateNotFoundFood = "NOT_foundFood";
String stateExploring = "exploring";
String stateNotExploring = "NOT_exploring";
Memory stateHungryMO = createMemoryObject("WORLD_STATE", stateHungry);
Memory stateNotHungryMO = createMemoryObject("WORLD_STATE", stateNotHungry);
Memory stateFoundFoodMO = createMemoryObject("WORLD_STATE", stateFoundFood);
Memory stateExploringMO = createMemoryObject("WORLD_STATE", stateExploring);
ArrayList preconditionsListEat = new ArrayList();
ArrayList softPreconditionsListEat = new ArrayList();
//Define ADD-LIST
ArrayList addListEat = new ArrayList();
ArrayList deleteListEat= new ArrayList();
Defining world state and goals
The competence must also receive the current world state, the only-one goals and permanent goals, they must be defined as Codelets Inputs. Similar to the figures example we define the goals as "Not hungry" and "Exploring". The world state informations will be received by the simulator connection, so they start withou any information.
Memory worldStateHungryMO;
Memory worldStateFoundFoodMO;
Memory worldStateExploringMO;
Memory goalNotHungryMO = createMemoryObject("PERMANENT_GOAL", stateNotHungry);
Memory goalExploringMO = createMemoryObject("PERMANENT_GOAL", stateExploring);
worldStateHungryMO = createMemoryObject("WORLD_STATE", "");
worldStateFoundFoodMO = createMemoryObject("WORLD_STATE", "");
worldStateExploringMO = createMemoryObject("WORLD_STATE", "");
//Define GOALS
Define Behavior Network
After defining all the Behavior Codelets, define the BehaviorNetwork and add all the Behaviors. You can use the method setCoalition to define the consciousCompetences. To visualize the activation of the behaviors in the behavior network you can use BNMonitor and use as parameter the behavior network, the list of the name of all behaviors you want to visualize and the global variables. You can also visualize the Behavior Network graph using the BNPlot with behaviors list as parameter.
BehaviorNetwork bn = new BehaviorNetwork(this.getCodeRack(), ws);
ArrayList<String> behaviorsIWantShownInGraphics = new ArrayList<>();
BHMonitor bHMonitor = new BHMonitor(bn, behaviorsIWantShownInGraphics, gv);
ArrayList<Behavior> behaviorList = new ArrayList();
BNplot bNplot = new BNplot(behaviorList);
The figure shows an example of a Behavior Network Plot, showing the Behavior activation at each time:
The figure shows an example of a Behavior Network Plot, a graph representing the Behavior Network:
The Behavior Network adds a BehaviorsWTA as a Mind codelet, so its not necessary to start the behavior codelets individually. To start the code, you must use the start method in Mind class.
public class AgendMind extends Mind() {
public AgentMind(Environment env) {
We have implemented this example as a Demo in the repository:
In order to adapt to use the simulator, to detected the world state as required by the Behavior Network, we created a